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Occupational Health
Public Health
Indoor Air Quality
总监:励斌(Robin Lee)
电话: 021-52737529
传真: 021-51862158

No. 195th, 279 Ka Yi Road, Jiading, Shanghai
我们为您提供的检测与咨询服务如下/ The following is a list of some of our services
室内空气质量 Indoor Air Quality
Including IAQ Acceptance Testing Services of Civil Building Engineering , LEED, and Electromagnetic Radiation Testing
室内空气质量/ Indoor Air Quality
Indoor air quality is not necessarily a concept that is easy to understand or define. It is a constantly changing interaction of a complex set of factors. Each of these factors must be considered when looking for an indoor air quality problem. Poor indoor air makes people sick, causes them discomfort, and inhibit their ability to perform. With the extensive experience of IAQ management, our service ranges from proactive indoor air quality investigations designed to identify IAQ problems before they occur, to reactive situations in which we attempt to identify and solve indoor air quality problems which are occurring.

Indoor air quality acceptance testing services of civil building engineering (including Ammonia, formaldehyde, benzene, total volatile organic compounds, radon)
  GB/T 18883《室内空气质量标准》相关检测服务(氨、甲醛、臭氧、苯、总挥发性有机物TVOC、二氧化碳、可吸入颗粒物、菌落总数等共计19项)
GB/T 18883 Indoor Air Quality Standard (including Ammonia, formaldehyde, ozone, benzene, total volatile organic compounds, carbon dioxide, particulates (PM10), aerobic bacterial count, and so 19 items)

绿色建筑认证/ LEED
LEED is an unofficial awards always been accepted by suchenterprisewhich is willing to leading the market, and hasthe concept of green buildingtechnology . LEED has been widely recognized, because of its Comprehensive assessment system and the positioning . We provide the testing services including Formaldehyde, Particulates (PM10), Total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs) carbon monoxide, and 4-Phenylcyclohexene (4-PCH)

电磁辐射/ EMR
With the continuous development of the industrialization process, more and more high-pressure equipment appears around us (substation, base stations, etc.) and appliances (mobile phones, computers, etc.). The hazards of electromagnetic radiation received more attention. We provide EMR testing services as following,
工频电场强度 Frequency electric field
高频电场强度 High-frequency electric field
超高频电场强度 Ultra-high frequency electric field
磁场强度 Magnetic field intensity
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地址:上海市嘉定区嘉怡路279弄195号 电话:021-52737529 传真:021-51862158 联系人:励斌 13127930153 
Copyrigyt(c) 2014 All Rights Reserved 版权所有:上海备通建筑工程检测技术有限公司